Important Forms
For your convenience, the following forms are available for download.
Click on the link below to access your MyTouchMD account. From there, you can watch videos about your procedure, view or print images saved by your doctor during your office visit, and share your experience with your loved ones!
Payment Options
All payments for cosmetic surgical procedures are due in full three weeks before your scheduled surgery. In order to hold a date for surgery, a 10% (of total fees) non-refundable scheduling fee is due at the time of surgery scheduling. This fee is used for pre-surgical preparations, including reservation of the operating room, anesthesiologist, and for time spent reviewing your medical records.
Payment for surgery is due in full three weeks before your scheduled surgery date. Final payments not made within 15 business days of the scheduled procedure will result in cancellation and forfeiture of your surgery scheduling fee.
We accept a number of different payment options, which may be used individually or combined according to your wishes.
We accept cash, check (personal or cashier’s) Visa, and Mastercard. You may also visit our Financing page to view alternative forms of payment, or feel free to call our office at 405-810-8448 to discuss a payment plan best suited for your personal needs and situation.
Cancellation Policy
We understand that a situation may arise that could force you to postpone your surgery. Please understand that such changes affect not only your surgeon but other patients as well. The Doctor’s time, as well as that of the operating room staff, is a precious commodity, and we request your courtesy and concern.
If you have any questions, or need assistance with financial matters or surgery scheduling, please do not hesitate to contact our office staff at 405-810-8448.