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Thoughtful Plastic Surgery in Oklahoma City, OK

Bajaj Plastic Surgery builds lasting patient relationships through supportive plastic surgery in Oklahoma City, OK. As a plastic surgeon, I believe that plastic surgery is a journey, and we encourage you to choose the surgeon and office that is right for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

What’s Our Office Like?

At Bajaj Plastic Surgery, we believe your procedure or treatment should be life-affirming as well as cosmetically enhancing. We provide a comfortable and welcoming office to take care of you.

We want you to feel welcome, at ease, and happy when you walk into our office. Our office is quirky, happy, and thoughtful. It’s Quirky because we like bright colors and line our walls with positive affirmations. It’s Happy because we love what we do. It’s thoughtful because we consider you as an individual and strive to develop a treatment plan unique to you.

This journey starts with us getting to know you – beginning with your first phone call or email. After getting to know you—and learning about your lifestyle and goals—we strive to inform and educate. After this introductory process, we can develop a relationship and a unique plan to help you on your journey.

Request A Consultation Today

Understanding that many of us lead busy lives and look to plastic surgery to improve our quality of life and our self-confidence, we strive to constantly improve the process from consultation to surgery to recovery. Because of this desire, we may do something as simple as have plush robes for you in the examination room, or as complex as instituting ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Protocols) to help you with your surgical recovery.

To meet us and learn more, fill out our online form to schedule your consultation.

Let’s Get Started!
