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Body Lift Procedure

After major weight loss, body lift surgery can help treat the residual effects of loose skin on the body. Following a body lift procedure, not only will your appearance be improved with an improved contour, but you can experience improved health and self-confidence, as well.

The body lift is a circumferential procedure and may need to be completed in stages, depending on how much tissue needs to be removed and what additional procedures you may require. The procedure is performed under a general anesthetic and may require the use of drains. Following the procedure, you will be placed in a compression garment which you will need to wear for 4-6 weeks.

Fitness girl measuring her waistline

Recovery After a Body Lift Procedure

The recovery time for a body lift can range between 2-4 weeks. You will need to start walking immediately after surgery to help prevent blood clots. During the next several weeks, you will gradually be able to increase your activity level. You may require someone to stay with you the first few days after surgery. Dr. Bajaj will prescribe medication to help you manage your discomfort.

Learn More

If you would like to find out more about slimming your body with a body lift in Oklahoma City, please contact the office of plastic surgeon Dr. Bajaj. Please reach out to us today on our contact us page or call us today at 405-810-8448 to set up your consultation.

Let’s Get Started!
