Fat Transfer
Fat Can Be Used for a Purpose
You don’t have to discard fat following liposuction; instead, it can be used for a purpose. A fat transfer procedure in Oklahoma with Dr. Anu Bajaj can help create beautiful body proportions by removing fat from an undesired location and injecting it into an area where you may desire augmentation or additional fullness.

What Is a Fat Transfer?
Fat transfer is an advanced body sculpting procedure that repurposes fat harvested from liposuction to augment other areas of the body. Also known as fat grafting, the procedure can be used to augment the buttocks and breasts, as well as add youthful volume to the face and hands. The three-step process is performed in the same surgical session. A unique lipotransfer technique is first performed to harvest the fat graft. The graft is then cleansed, purified and injected into the desired location. This is most commonly performed on the buttocks, breasts, hands, and/or face. This procedure is ideal for men and women who wish to slim one part of their body and also want to augment or plump another part of the body, but without synthetic or foreign materials. Contact us today to see why fat transfer is becoming one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures.
Natural breast augmentation, or fat transfer breast augmentation, is a procedure that enlarges the breast through natural means (fat) as opposed to implants. Fat grafts are harvested from areas with localized fat deposits and then the viable fat is then injected into the breasts for augmented, proportional results. Natural breast augmentation may provide a small, subtle increase in size.
As mentioned above, collagen depletion can create a hollow, sunken appearance where volume once created youthful facial contours. Dermal fillers are a group of hyaluronic acid and synthetic based fillers that are used to soften and diminish wrinkles and deep creases on the face. While hyaluronic acid is something found naturally in the body, the filler itself did not come from the body of the patient. Rather than using a dermal filler, one can use fat to help restore facial volume. Fat is harvested from a place of adipose tissue abundance like the abdomen or flanks, cleansed and purified, and then artfully injected into specifics areas of the face to regain youthful fullness and beautiful contours.
While many individuals believe that the face is the main tell-tale sign of age, smaller yet still noticed age-revealing body parts are the hands. The more one ages the less they actively produce collagen, the necessary material for natural volume. This decrease causes the hands to appear thin and heightens the appearance of veins and tendons. The hands can be rejuvenated with small injections of fat retrieved via liposuction to help restore youthful fullness.
The Brazilian Butt Lift is a buttocks fat transfer procedure that takes fat from a part of the body, generally the hips and thighs, and places it in the buttocks. Dr. Bajaj does not perform this procedure due to concerns regarding its safety. Recent evaluations by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, and numerous reported complications in the lay press have alerted plastic surgeons to the risks of the procedure. These risks include concerns about fat particles entering the blood stream because of the complex anatomy of the buttocks area. If the fat is inadvertently injected into the large veins in the buttocks, this fat particle can make its way to the heart and lungs leading to death. For these reasons and more, Dr. Bajaj urges patients to do their research and choose a surgeon who understands the nuances and complexities of the procedure and understands the anatomy of the buttocks, preferably a surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
A special liposuction procedure is performed to harvest the transferable fat grafts. Fat is gently but effectively suctioned from areas previously determined at the initial consultation. Common donor locations include, but aren’t limited to:
- Thighs
- Stomach
- Upper arms
- Hips
- Back
You may require more than one fat transfer procedure to help achieve the improvement in volume that you desire. The grafted fat has the potential to become permanent in its transferred location because when it is injected, it will acquire a new blood supply from the surrounding tissues. However, only about 70% of the injected fat will “take” so the exact improvement in volume may be unpredictable. Fat transfer to the face and hands are becoming more desirable than dermal fillers because of fat’s lasting effects. Dermal fillers on average have a lifespan of one to two years, and then additional treatments may be required. Fat does not need to be replaced as it integrates with its new environment similarly to where it was harvested from; the body will not reject transplanted fat. However, weight fluctuations, may result in differing appearances of the grafted fat with time.
Fat transfer candidates and men and women who:
- Are close to their ideal weight
- Not overweight or obese
- Wish to slim parts of their body
- Wish to enlarge or revitalize other parts of their body
- Do not want implants or synthetic material in their body
- Nonsmokers
- Can take a few days off from work to rest and recover
The recovery period after a fat transfer is very important. Patients will receive custom recovery instructions and tips depending on the liposuction areas, the transfer areas, and the overall specifics of the case. All patients will be provided with a compression garment for the area that underwent liposuction; this garment will help provide support and decrease swelling.
It is also important to keep direct pressure off of the areas that received the fat graft. This helps to make sure that as much viable fat as possible takes and integrates with the surrounding fatty tissue. Pressure on the transfer locations can negatively impact blood flow and cause the death of fat cells. Swelling, bruising, and tenderness of the areas can be side effects of the procedure but these remedy themselves. Prescription pain medication can be provided if necessary. Follow up appointments will be scheduled with Dr. Bajaj so she can assess healing and result progress. Although results can immediately be noticed after the surgery, best results are generally seen between three and six months.

The Fat Transfer Procedure
The first step of a fat transfer procedure is harvesting the fat graft for injection to the recipient locations. Fat grafts are taken via a special lipotransfer technique. The fat is carefully suctioned from the donor location with a thin cannula and is collected in a special container. The type of liposuction procedure will depend on the individual case. Cleaning and purifying the fat after removal is a very important step of the transfer process. Only the purest, viable fat should be re-injected into the recipient areas. Once the liposuctioned fat is obtained, it is washed and prepared. Once the graft is cleaned, the injection syringe is filled with the fat in small amounts at a time. The fat is meticulously and artfully injected into the augmenting location in with the small grafts to best sculpt the area. Dr. Bajaj will inject slightly more than the desired augmentation or fullness to account for potential fat cells not taking. She has mastered injecting the appropriate amount to provide her patients with their desired end results.
Contact Us Today for a Consultation
Your initial consultation is held at our Oklahoma location with Dr. Bajaj. She will inquire about patient’s aesthetic concerns and their desired results. Patients will undergo a thorough examination so Dr. Bajaj can determine if fat transfer is a suitable procedure option to provide the patient with their cosmetic goals. If the doctor finds this to be the best option, a custom surgery plan will be drawn including the area(s) for liposuction, the fat graft transfer area(s), and any additional body contouring procedures the patient may wish to undergo. Please be prepared to provide medical and surgery history, as well as allergies and routine medications. If a patient has any questions during the consultation they are urged to ask. Dr. Bajaj wants to ensure her patients are comfortable with their surgical decisions. Please feel free to contact our office with any questions. Our knowledgeable staff will gladly assist you. Pricing for fat transfer will be provided at the end of the consultation once Dr. Bajaj determines all the specifics. Contact us today to schedule your next appointment with us today.