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 Informational Videos

Please click on the arrows to scroll through our video selection.  Videos include answers to frequently asked questions as well as various talks that Dr. Bajaj has given.

Body Procedures

ok Health & fitness

OK Health & Fitness Magazine

Here is the October/November 2012 issue of OK Health and Fitness magazine. The entire issue has been dedicated towards Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer awareness. We are hoping that with this issue we will be able to help educate and save lives. Please forward this to everyone that you know and love. Breast Cancer is a large concern and should never be taken lightly.


Doctor, Doctor, Give me the News, How Do I Choose? Podcast featuring Dr. Anu Bajaj

Choosing a doctor for a cosmetic procedure can be difficult. There are many types of doctors in many specialties offering similar services. Please listen to the latest New Reflections podcast by Dr. Adam Rubinstein featuring Dr. Anu Bajaj.

Episode 48: Ethics in Social Media

Enhance Your Practice Podcast by ASPS University

Is traveling for surgery safe?

Botox and Burpees Podcast Series. Season 3, Episode 26

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Family Without Children – Balancing a Relationship and Career

Limitless Podcast Series, Season 1.

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