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Neurotoxins can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and enhance your more youthful look. At Bajaj Plastic Surgery, we make it our priority to educate every patient on what they can do to optimize their neurotoxin results and their investment in their appearance and confidence.

What Are Neurotoxins?

Botox®, Dysport®, Jeuveau®, Xeomin™, and Daxxify® are all different neurotoxins derived from botulinum toxin and used for cosmetic purposes. We use these neurotoxins to relax the facial muscles to reduce moderate to deep wrinkles. Neurotoxins can prevent fine lines and wrinkles from forming by minimizing movement of the specific muscles, such as your forehead or frown lines.

If you are considering a neurotoxin treatment, there are a few things to keep in mind. Each of the different toxins will last for a unique period of time and have different dosing recommendations. For example, Botox will last 3 to 4 months, while Daxxify can last up to 6 months. The onset of each toxin will also be different—Botox and Dysport typically take 3 to 5 days to take effect, while you will start to see the effects of Daxxify in 24 hours.

As dosing for each of the toxins is different, Dr. Anureet Bajaj prefers to perform injections per area rather than per unit. For example, 100 units of Daxxify are dosed like 50 units of Botox; 300 units of Dysport are dosed like 100 units of Botox. Who can keep track of all the math?

Rather, Dr. Bajaj prefers to hear your goals regarding treatment and then charge per area, dosing each area appropriately based on your needs. Typically, she charges $750 for two areas of Botox.

What Can You Expect at Your Neurotoxin Appointment?

There are several things to know about neurotoxins, including how to prepare for your appointment and what to expect afterward. You’ll receive instructions to follow before and after your Botox treatment. Although these instructions may seem like mere suggestions, they are based on years of scientific observation. Following them can maximize the benefits of your treatment, and isn’t that the whole point?

First, you will speak with Dr. Bajaj about your goals and then sign a consent form for treatment. Dakota will then take your payment. After cleansing your face, Dr. Bajaj will then perform the injections. Typically, she will ask you to move the muscles that you want to target so that she can identify the injection points based on your movement patterns. Your appointment should take about 20 to 30 minutes.

After your Oklahoma City neurotoxin treatment, you may see pinpoints in the areas of the injections, but you should be able to apply makeup. You will want to avoid strenuous activities or working out for about 24 hours. As neurotoxins are liquids meticulously placed to create the best results, you will want to avoid massaging the treated area for 24 hours to minimize the risk of the toxin spreading.

What Are Some Other Potential Side Effects?

Side effects may include a slight headache or tenderness at the injection sites. You can apply ice to help with the tenderness. Bruising is not common, but it can occur. To minimize the risk of bruising, it’s important to avoid aspirin-containing products before your injections and consider using Arnica cream.

Potential complications may include a droopy upper eyelid, a heavy brow, inadequate treatment, or poor aesthetic outcome.

  • A droopy eyelid can occur if the neurotoxin spreads. Fortunately, this effect is temporary and can be managed with eye drops.
  • Brow heaviness can occur if you already have slightly lower brows and the transverse lines of the forehead are over-injected. Most people are extremely concerned about these lines, but this muscle raises your brow, so if you treat it without also treating the muscles that lower your brow, your brows will feel heavy.
  • Other effects are related to the area being treated. For example, when we inject around the mouth, you may find it difficult to drink from a straw. Or if we inject your masseter muscle, you may take longer to chew your food.

For Best Results, Be a Regular!

Neurotoxins get better the more you use them. If you use them regularly, the muscles will become weaker, and the wrinkles won’t form or be as deep.

Each neurotoxin will last for varying amounts of time. For your best results, it is better to have regular appointments 3 to 4 times a year. Visiting Bajaj Plastic Surgery for regular maintenance can help you achieve the best long-term results.

Another fun fact about neurotoxins is that studies have shown the effects of Botox last 30% longer when paired with zinc supplements. If you rely on the wrinkle-reducing results you get from Botox, you can achieve longer-lasting results by taking zinc.

Schedule Your Consultation at Bajaj Plastic Surgery Today!

There is so much more information about neurotoxin treatments that Dr. Bajaj would love to share to help you achieve smoother skin. At Bajaj Plastic Surgery, our experts strive to help each patient feel informed and prepared for their neurotoxin treatment. Let us help you enhance your appearance with neurotoxins!

Contact Bajaj Plastic Surgery at (405) 810-8448 or complete our online form to schedule your neurotoxin consultation today!

Creating Outcomes That Enhance Your Natural Beauty