Mommy Makeover Surgery: Patient Success Story
Nichole dreamed of getting mommy makeover surgery for years after having her children. She felt in her heart that this is something she wanted to do for herself and no one else.
“What helped me decide to move forward with surgery is my husband telling me that he would support me in whatever decision I wanted to do,” Nichole says. “He has told me on several occasions that he thought my body was beautiful with or without surgery.”
What came as a huge surprise to Nichole was that her husband had been saving for her surgery because he knew that she really wanted this procedure and that she rarely did anything for herself.
Here’s more about Nichole’s mommy makeover story and some advice she would like to share with moms who are considering the procedure.
Mommy Makeover Consultation
After doing some research and speaking to friends about their mommy makeover procedures, she decided to book her consultation with Dr. Bajaj.
“I love that Dr. Bajaj is so informative,” Nichole says. “I found it very helpful with the topics she chooses to discuss on her website. This helped me before coming to my consultation appointment and knowing what questions to ask. Also, if you don’t feel comfortable in your own skin, she makes you feel very comfortable and at ease.”
Mommy Makeover Surgery
A mommy makeover is not a single surgery, rather it’s composed of several procedures such as breast procedures and body contouring techniques. These surgeries are designed to help moms get their pre-baby bodies back and boost confidence. We like to emphasize that no two mommy makeovers are alike and our surgeries are tailored to meet your specific needs and wishes.
Nichole’s mommy makeover included a bilateral breast augmentation and lift as well as an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) with liposuction of the flanks and outer thighs.
“My recovery was not too bad,” Nichole explains. “The first couple of days/nights following right after surgery were the worst in my opinion, but it was just mainly trying to get comfortable. All in all, the information that is given to you at your pre-op appointment, paperwork before surgery, and the post-op appointment is very helpful.”

Nichole’s Advice for Moms
When we asked Nichole for her main advice to other moms considering a mommy makeover she said, “Do it for yourself, don’t do major surgery to impress anyone or think that is what you need to have done for anyone else but you. This was a decision I made for myself and it was something I have wanted to do, but only for me and not anyone else.”
Nichole also stressed the importance of having a support system after surgery.
“Make sure that you have a good support system. You definitely will need help after having it, because the little things you do, you don’t realize you can’t do — especially washing your hair, shaving your legs, and getting out of bed or into bed.”
“Also, if you have small children, you might consider waiting a few years to have anything done as you are not able to carry or care for them like you are used to for several weeks.”
Nichole’s Mommy Makeover Results
Nichole was very happy with her mommy makeover surgery and was anxious for her first follow-up appointment.
“My first follow-up appointment I was excited to see what I looked like and was moved to tears,” Nichole says. “I was beyond happy with my results and Dr. Bajaj makes you feel beautiful inside and out.”
We are thrilled to share stories like Nichole’s. If you would like to learn more about our mommy makeover services, visit our Mommy Makeover page. If you’d like to book a consultation with Dr. Bajaj to ask any questions, call 405-381-8091.